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Biracial Relationships Amateurs Interracial How's it going all? I'm your everyday average guy. I'm in my early thirties and my girlfriend is nineteen. I know, I know, I'm a real lucky guy. Every girl is hot when they're nineteen, and believe me, she's no exception. She's got short spiked bleach blonde hair, the most gorgeous ass you've ever seen, beautiful ice blue eyes and a pair of tits that don't quit. And she likes to get it on with other chicks too. We've had quite a few threesomes over the past eight months. I never thought I would say this, but I'm kinda getting tired of the girl on girl action. Just like anything it gets old after awhile. I've been thinking about what else I could get her to do that would be fun to watch. And then it came to me. Try to get her down to an adult bookstore and make her suck some strangers Amateurs Interracial be transferred to the county jail where I would wait until tomorrow to see the judge. I yelled and complained the whole ride over that this was the stupidest thing I had ever witnessed and threatened various lawsuits. Once we got to the county lock-up, my clothes were taken and I was given a flimsy pair of cotton pants and a shirt with a rip in the side. Along with a pair of sandals (no underwear or socks allowed), I was taken to a cell. There were two bunk style beds, and I was told that since the jail was overcrowded and I was only going to be there a day, I could sleep on the floor. The guard gave me a small foam matt, and told me I could sleep in the corner. The other inmates were still in the day room having their dinner. I was exhausted from the whole experience so far, so I placed my mat on the floor and laid down. As I was fading off to sleep, I saw the jail guard talking to the policeman who had brought me here, and they were both glancing torward the cell. I awoke in the middle of the night with a pair of hands around my neck. My cellmates, three big black guys Black Cock Fuck Cuckold Websites towards the wall and says "you've seen one now" I look over and sure as shit there's a hole in the wall. Today is my lucky day, this is just getting easier and easier. What next? Is she going to tell me that she has always had the fantasy of sucking strange dick in a video booth? I look back at her and say "oh my god, there is a hole there" acting sly. She looks back at me with her naughty girl look and I know instantly what that look means. She wants to do it! She keeps looking at me and starts saying "honey" and I know that means she wants me to tell her she can do it. I play along and pretend like I don't want her to do it. She starts with the "pleeeease" and all that shit. I tell her she's got to be kidding and she does'nt even know whose cock she's sucking. She says she Black Cock Surprise

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Alissa Blacks On Blondes Big White Cock across my jaw. I opened my mouth slowly, and suddenly the huge cock jammed straight into my throat. I started to gag and bite down alittle, but he pulled it out and punched me in the side of the head. I was so dazed from the blow, theat my head just lolled over to the side. He opened my mouth and pushed his cock in, grabbed the back of my head, and started fucking face. Meanwhile, my legs were raised so that my kness were almost touching my chest, and I could feel the first man enter my anus. I could feel a slight tearing as he pushed himself inside me. At least he had wet his cock, probably with saliva, before fucking me. It hurt tremendously, but all I could do is moan loudly since my mouth was full of the big black guy. Whoever was fucking me continued to do so for almost five minutes while I sucked the cock in my mouth. At various times, my nipples were grabbed and pinched viciously, my balls were slapped, and my dick was pulled on and beaten. Much to their amusement, my cock was rock hard. "He must like this shit, Jimmy. Hey, does he suck a good cock or what?" Blacks On Blondes Free Clips Black Dick Porno belly shirt with black platform heels on. I wanted to fuck her right there in the living room. So I did, I walked behind her and lifted up her skirt and pulled down her thong and slipped it up inside her tight, young twat and pumped away until I was about to cum and then pulled out and gave it to her mouth. That's one thing I gotta say about these younger girls...they love to swallow. I managed not to get any on her face, she would've been pissed if she would've had to redo her makeup. Anyways, we take off for the club and a night of fun. We're at the club for a couple of hours and she tells me she's getting bored and wants to do something else. I figure this is as good of chance as any to mention going to the adult bookstore. She perks right up when I mention it, but what Interracial Gangbang Streaming Black Dick Blowjob to get me for court. He cautioned me about mentioning anything that happened to the judge. I went before the bench and the judge asked how I would plead. I had just talked to a public defender, and he told me to plead guilty, take the fine, and I would be free. "Guilty, your Honor." "Fine, then this court sentences you to three days in the county lock up. Since you have already served one, you have to more days to go. Guard, escort him back please." I started to complain, but then saw the public defender and the cop I had pissed off talking. I knew it would be futile. Back at the lock up, I was put back in the block, to the cell I had been in the night before. I saw two of my cell mates talking to a guard, and they turned and started walking torward me. The guard left the block, and I could see no others in sight. "Well... our little bitch is back. Ready for some more?" They grabbed me and threw me into the cell. They tore off my meager pants and shirt, ripping them to shreds. "The guard told us you won't be needing these for the rest of your stay." Interracial Gangbangs throat. Just watching her suck that dick made my dick get hard. She was really getting off on this, more than I was, and this started out as my idea, who would've know. She kept on sucking that black dick until it was about to spew. She pulled it out of her mouth and looked right at me as she stroked it into orgasm. It shot gobs of thick cum all over her pretty face as she looked at me with eyes full of desire. Then she took it back into her mouth to get the last few gobs in her mouth. She pulled back off of it and sat there leaning back on her hands smiling at me and said...."Mmmmm, he tasted so fucking good!" I asked her if she liked sucking that big, black cock and she said she loved it. She cleaned her self up and we split. We went back home and fucked like animals. Black On Blondes be transferred to the county jail where I would wait until tomorrow to see the judge. I yelled and complained the whole ride over that this was the stupidest thing I had ever witnessed and threatened various lawsuits. Once we got to the county lock-up, my clothes were taken and I was given a flimsy pair of cotton pants and a shirt with a rip in the side. Along with a pair of sandals (no underwear or socks allowed), I was taken to a cell. There were two bunk style beds, and I was told that since the jail was overcrowded and I was only going to be there a day, I could sleep on the floor. The guard gave me a small foam matt, and told me I could sleep in the corner. The other inmates were still in the day room having their dinner. I was exhausted from the whole experience so far, so I placed my mat on the floor and laid down. As I was fading off to sleep, I saw the jail guard talking to the policeman who had brought me here, and they were both glancing torward the cell. I awoke in the middle of the night with a pair of hands around my neck. My cellmates, three big black guys Amateurs Interracial knows and that's what makes it so much more the naughtier. This is perfect, I don't even have to convince her to do it, she's trying to convince me into letting her do it. I tell her that she can do it and she gets all happy. Now all we have to do is wait. I figured it would'nt be long, it being Friday night and all and I figured right. Not more than a few minutes went by after me telling her she could do it when we heard the booth's door next to us shut and lock. She got down in front of the hole and stuck her fingers through it and said in a soft, sexy voice "may I please suck your dick?" Not more than three seconds went by and a half hard black cock sprang through the hole. I was'nt expecting that but it was even better that she was about to suck some strange black guys
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